Serve web apps and data from your browser.

Build next generation applications on top of peer-to-peer browser nodes and databases, secured by blockchain.

Include script to get started
<script src="">

How does it work?

Create or connect to a peer

Instead of relying centralized servers, Microverse turns browsers into peers to run workloads and serve contents.

// Create new peer, can pass-in which cluster to join, defaults to public cluster
var peer = microverse.peer.create({
  clusterId: 'public' // You can create new clusters by signing up
// Returns connected peer
// {peerId: 'QmPXMe1o24', peerSecret: 'D3gk5aOb...', clusterId: 'public'}

// Connect to existing peer
// Created and connected peers will be stored in browser until reconnected
var peer = microverse.peer.connect({
  peerId: 'QMPXMelo24',
  peerSecret: 'D3gk5aOb...',
  clusterId: 'public'

Database operations

Microverse comes bundled with a decentralized database.

  • Document store
  • Resilient & self-replicating
  • Sharded across peers
  • Real-time with pub/sub
  • Seal transactions with blockchain
  • Interfaces with Mongo-style query

// Create new database collection
// The current peer will be the admin of the database
// As admin, you can allow other peers to access your db
  peerId: 'ABv12Kb',
  permission: 'read' // Available permissions: read/write/admin
  // read: can only read documents
  // write: insert, update. delete documents
  // admin: delete db, list/add/remove roles
// As admin, you can list all peers and their roles
// As admin, you can remove peers' access to your db
peer.db('todos').removeRole({peerId: 'ABv12Kb'});
// Insert document
  id: '1',
  text: 'Finish hello world tutorial',
  completed: false
}).then(() => {
  // Do something
// Read documents
  completed: false
}).then(todos => { console.log(todos); });
// Update document
peer.db('todos').update('1', {
  $set: { completed: true }
// Remove document

Run worker tasks

You can run any NPM and Javascript on any peer using workers.

// Create a worker
var worker = peer.worker.create({
  init: () => {
    _require('pokemon@latest', (pokemon) => {
      window.pokemon = pokemon;
  sean: () => {
    return pokemon.random();

// Run a worker
  fn: () = {

Upload and serve website

You can upload a zip bundle to a peer, and Microverse will be able to serve it as a static website.

// Get website zip bundle from file upload input
var bundle = document.getElementById('file-input').files[0];

// Serve website from connected peer from a connected peer
// Returns URL to view website in browser:

Use cases

Data processing & analytics

Store large amounts of data or analytics. Process or analyze them to gather insight without spending money on servers.

File storage, upload & download

Like BitTorrent, you can store, upload and download files peer-to-peer. Significantly that bandwith cost.

Cryptocurrency mining

Potential to make money without placing ads! Sites with many visitors can get visitors’ browsers to mine cryptocurrencies for them.

Run tasks and micro-services

Run almost any kind of one-off or long running compute tasks and services, using the CPU, memory and even GPU of the clients.

Getting started

Install with script tag
<script src="">
Install as NPM package
npm install --save microverse
Read Documentation

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